
雅尼音乐会 2009

星际视听 发表于 2019-8-5 23:36:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
分类: 演唱会
版本: 原盘2D
音轨: 其它 
字幕: 无字
大小: 22 GB
简介: 雅尼长期以来都拒绝在他的作品中加入歌词。直到现在,他首次在最新专辑【雅尼之声】中尝试了加入歌词.这台音乐会雅尼尽管实现了形式与风格的大转换——由器乐演奏为主、声乐演唱为辅改为声乐演唱为主、兼有器乐演奏,但其艺术品质依然如故——即用音乐这样一种世界性的语言,来讲述生活故事;尤其注重文化多元性,世界大联合。开场由墨西哥土著儿童演唱,中间力捧拉丁裔的帕切科、托马斯等,又邀请几位拉美著名的新老歌星同台献艺。尽管大多数曲目是由雅尼以往的名曲填词写就演唱的,雅尼还是专门为本次演唱会创作了几首新歌新曲。【雅尼之声】是一台具有浓郁拉丁风格,融汇北美和墨西哥本土元素,尽展雅尼“联合国乐团”多元文化情怀和个人宽宏仁善美德的精品音乐会。

  This album features vocal performances by: Nathan Pacheco, Chloe, Ender Thomas, Jose Jose, Lucero, Cristian Castro, Olga Tanon, Arturo Sandoval, Andy Vargas, Jose Faliciano and Willy Chirino.

主唱的4个歌手是:Nathan Pacheco、Chloe Lowery、Ender Thomas、Leslie Mills。4位歌手都很有特色。另外BONUS LATIN TRACKS里面也多了四位很有魅力的拉丁歌手。雅尼对几位歌手的倾力推荐,愉快沟通,用他自己的话说,就是“I told them that I was gonna give them everthing that I have”,也就是“倾其所有,奉献于斯”。不断推出新秀,尊重关心同行,也是雅尼的爱心表达和仁善追求.雅尼优选多种族的歌手加以培养、给予提携。这些优美的歌曲,加上这些富有朝气、活力和天赋的歌手们的演唱,犹如金枝玉叶,相得益彰,更加耀眼辉煌,可谓亦师亦友、亦歌亦舞,亦情亦景、亦真亦幻。像帕切科演唱的《Tribute》,简直大气磅礴、天籁之音

  全场的歌曲主要是根据Yanni以往的名曲填词谱曲,其中大多出自Yanni的钢琴专辑In My Time,而the storm是选自2006年拉斯维加斯音乐会, Niki Nana是1997年tribute音乐会的结尾曲目。  该场音乐会共演出27首曲子,其中只有Within Attraction、the storm、Santorini是纯音乐,其它大部分是人声曲目,风格上确实有不少的变化。
首席小提琴手除了Samvel Yervinyan 外, 还有大名鼎鼎的Vannessa-Mae(陈美). 巧的是雅尼是1997年来中国举办音乐会的.而陈美也正是因为在1997香港回归晚会上不俗的表现,为大家所熟悉.

自1997年以来,我就一直为雅尼的音乐所陶醉.而且,极其怀念曾在雅尼乐队里担任首席小提琴手的Karen Briggs 和Sayaka Katsuki. 她们是我们女性的骄傲啊!

This native of Largo, FL, outside of Tampa, has been dancing since she was three, as well as singing, playing guitar and writing not long after that. She grew up on Broadway musicals and pop and by the age of nine, was performing at corporate events, and by 12, she was signed to a major-label recording contract with RCA Records, where “they tried
to turn me into a combination of Britney Spears and Mariah Carey.”
Lowery had known producer/songwriter Ric Wake for years through her former manager, who was friendly with ex-Sony Music head Thomas D. Mottola and Mariah Carey. When she was 16, Lowery moved to New York with her sister, a dancer with the N.Y. Ballet Company, working in the studio with Wake and his songwriting team of Mark Russell and Dave Scheuer (Jessica Simpson, Marc Anthony, Anastacia) for a number of years
before he introduced her to Yanni, who invited the now-20-year-old to join the duo’s burgeoning talent company at its south Florida compound.
As a teenager, Lowery became a fan of classic rock and singers like Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant, then toured last summer performing Janis Joplin’s songs with her original band, Big Brother and the Holding Company.
“That was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had,” she says. “To be able to sing the music of a legend was such an honor, but it was difficult, too, because people were constantly judging and comparing me to her. The guys were great, though. They told me plenty of interesting stories.”
Since joining the Yanni Wake Entertainment team, Lowery has “learned a great deal about myself as a vocalist… They’ve made me reach farther, and sing things I wouldn’t have even dream of singing. Yanni had me expanding my range as a singer. I trained in opera when I was younger, but I haven’t touched an aria in years.”
The experience of working with her fellow artists is never competitive. “Everyone is extremely supportive,” she explains. “Nathan is like a brother to me, and I admire the talents of Ender and Leslie. It’s just great to work with people who are on the same page as you are creatively. It’s very inspiring.”
After experiencing the disappointments of the record business at an early age, Lowery enthuses about finally finding the right creative situation. “This is the way a record company should be,” she says. “This is real artist development. Ric and Yanni and their team are involved in our day-to-day lives as human beings, not just musicians. Most labels are about the business. At the end of the day, we have to achieve our goals, but getting there this way is so much more fulfilling for an artist.”
1. Open
2. In Your Heart---Performed by children在你的心中---童声合唱
3. Enchantment---- Performed by Nathan Pacheco只有爱(魔幻)
4. Desire--- Performed by Ender Thomas爱的仪式(欲望)
5. Before the Night Ends ----Performed by Leslie Mills在黑夜结束之前

6. Almost a Whisper---- Performed by Nathan Pacheco实现梦想(低声细语)
7. Within Attraction
8. Change---- Performed by Chloe Lowery
9. November Sky---- Performed by Ender Thomas
10. Until the Last Moment --Performed by Ender Thomas and Chloe Lowery直到最后一刻
11. Duet--- Performed by Jason and Sam
12. Theory of Everything ----Performed by Leslie Mills
13. Tribute--- Performed by Nathan Pacheco and Chloe Lowery庆典(颂歌)
14. Our Days--- Performed by Leslie Mills & Chloe Lowery
15. En Silencio---- Performed by Ender Thomas
16. Kill Me With Your Love ---Performed by Chloe Lowery致命的爱
17.Adagio in C Minor-- Performed by Nathan Pacheco
18.In the Mirror-- Performed by Nathan Pacheco and Chloe Lowery你的眼睛(镜中)
19. The Keeper--- Performed by Leslie Mills掌控者

20. Quédate Conmigo---- Performed by Ender Thomas and Chloe Lowery
21. The Storm
22. Niki Nana -----Performed by Chloe Lowery
23. Santorini
1. Ni la Fuerza del Destino Performed by Cristian Castro
2. Viviré Por Ti Performed by Olga Tañón and Nathan Pacheco
3. Eterno es Este Amor Performed by Lucero
4. Volver a Creer Performed by José José





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